OSHA Urges Host Employers And Staffing Agencies to Work Together to Protect Temp Workers (SHRM)

The US Occupational Safety and Health Administration highlighted the need for host employers and staffing […]

The US Occupational Safety and Health Administration highlighted the need for host employers and staffing agencies to work together to protect the safety of temporary workers, the Society for Human Resource Management reported. Host employers need to ensure workers are safe but should usually let staffing agencies take the lead in training and directing work to avoid being considered a joint employer. “Employers should ensure that their workplace safety rules apply to temporary workers as well as regular employees,” Anthony George, an attorney with Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner in Denver, told SHRM. For example, a rule that prohibits working on energized electrical equipment should apply to everyone on the employer’s property, not merely to regular employees.

Original Article: (https://www2.staffingindustry.com/Editorial/Daily-News/OSHA-urges-host-employers-and-staffing-agencies-to-work-together-to-protect-temp-workers-SHRM-63421)